Finding my voice, becoming my voice

I can’t, I won’t, hide behind silence anymore …

I’ve been finding my voice and learning to speak my truth, to speak truth with as much love and grace as I can. To live truthfully, with as much peace and grace and belovedness as I can – one of my deepest purposes.

However, a realization about finding and expressing my authentic voice arose during my most recent yoga teacher training weekend.

As often happens, the  physical movements of yoga reveal where there’s emotional distress or spiritual need, by how those things are reflected in the body. Certain poses can bring deep things to the surface, shine insight into some source of pain or struggle …

Poses in yoga are often meant to open an area of the body, to release tension or blocked energy or emotion associated with the tension. On several occasions, we held poses intended to open the throat area, with the head lifted up, the throat exposed. Instead of feeling openness, I still felt constriction, a lumpy tightness in my throat. I noticed and I wondered, with a sense of compassionate curiosity, why is that there?

The throat area is connected to voice, to self-expression, to being able to speak with liberty and with authenticity. Voice and self-expression means more than words, writing and speaking. It means also spirit, actions, choices made and opportunities taken, living fully and wholly, not closed but wide open to possibility and opportunity, to risk and growth …

… and so the closed, constricted feeling showed me that I’m still struggling to find clarity and to let go of inhibition and constriction in my self-expression, my soul-expression. That somehow, I was feeling stifled … or was stifling myself. But why, and how?

This message struck softly but deeply:

When I choose to constrain or confine my true voice, my silence is like a sacrifice … sacrificing my voice, sacrificing my truth.

Sometimes, silence is a right sacrifice … the kind that spares others in love, or in love recognizes that this is the time for other voices to be lifted up, to be heard. But that’s a silence that comes from stillness, a letting go of the ego-voice. An active silence, one that listens and loves and stands in solidarity and unity.

Sometimes, silence is a sacrifice made in fear, in pride … like an act of self-oppression, conscious or unconscious. Not a silence emerging from centered stillness, but from an unquiet ego or restive heart.

Then, the understanding sounded in my mind like a mindfulness bell:

I’m seeking to find my voice, yet still sacrificing or stifling it … still choosing silence or inaction in moments of opportunity, choosing self-oppression instead of self-expression, soul-expression.

Because I still wonder sometimes, who wants to hear my voice … who will hear it? And will people hear integrity, truthfulness, and belovedness in my voice? And will they hear them not just in my words, but see them in my soul … will they see and hear my soul in my voice?

And so the questions, because I feel uncertain of the answers, cause me to silence or stifle my voice. Sometimes, that’s good and right; sometimes, not.

Yoga, its movements and meditation, are helping me become more deeply aware of spiritual, mental, emotional ways in which I still silence or stifle myself, because it’s been a long-standing pattern of being.  Because it’s been routine to question and to silence my voice …

And because I still have attachments to old self-images, self-concepts, self-judgments …

Such as the notion that I’m not good at teaching, not meant to be a teacher! A writer or a speaker, yes. A counselor, perhaps. But a teacher … me?!

And yet, here I am in a yoga teacher training class! Why was I led to be there? Clearly because I needed to learn how to be a teacher … that I can be a teacher … that I am already a teacher. So that I could discover and honor my voice as a teacher … and find a richer, more authentic, wholly alive voice as a writer, speaker, counselor, parent, human and spiritual being, too!

So that I could see the ways in which I have still kept myself bound by fears, doubts, unbelief … and let those bonds unfurl, fall away. Explore the possibility that some, or many, of my ideas about myself and my truth and my potential have been limiting or not even accurate! See how they’ve constricted my voice, my soul-expression …

Let go of those self-limiting, soul-limiting, ideas, beliefs, choices … one way to find my voice. One way for you to find your voice!

Let go … and become more aware of the voice that is already there. Set it free! Let go of fear, doubt, shame … let the voice that is in the soul flow forth. Set it free!

But perhaps the deepest, truest thing I have learned, is that it’s less about finding my voice … and more about becoming and being my voice. About knowing my soul. Hearing its beautiful, true voice. Speaking, living, being that voice, in whatever I am or do .. or teach!