
This will be a page where I share some poetry. Sometimes, a poem will be related to a specific blog post, perhaps sometimes not. Sometimes, I may include a short poem with a blog post; otherwise, I will make this page a home for any poems I choose to share publicly!

Always yes, always beloved, always belovedness

I return to the word
and the home
and the refuge
in the word –
Beloved ā€“
It is more than a word
it is a spirit
a way
a way of being
It is, it Is
It is a reality, Ultimate
a place to be
a presence to be
and a presence to be in
a possession, a privilege
of and for all

It is belonging
so many are longing
for belonging
Belonging is here, home
in Belovedness
All are beloved
The beloved ones
we are all, we all are

Many have taken refuge
in a bitterness
where there is no
but only a dispossession
and dispensation of no
Not a safe or even a safer
home, here

Many have taken residence
in a cynicism
resigned, outraged, sorrowed
But the common adornment
here, now
With belovedness as dust mixed
with cooled ashes
from a fire of welcome and belongingness
that has been left to die
in hearts
and hearths

But though bitterness tempts me
to desert belovedness
and though bitterness springs up
in the dust of despair and grief
Yet I cannot
and I will not
And if in any way
my heart has left my refuge
of belovedness
or uttered a Yes to anger or fear or shame
I say again No to the violence of these
in my heart and soul
And return again
to the word, it is my word
Belovedness ā€“
a fire in my heart
I will let it be
a warming, welcoming flame
light and love

I believe I am beloved
and so are you, dear ones
Who is not a refugee
fleeing suffering
fleeing belovedness
But you all, all are
Home in belovedness
If you but would come
home again
return to what has always
a presence, present
anywhere, inner-where

Belovedness is mine, Belovedness
is yours
to be and to be in
refuge for the refugee
belonging and home