Other writing

This page holds the link to my statement of faith and spirituality.

Just a few comments regarding this statement:

I had never written anything like a ‘statement of faith’ or ‘statement of spirituality’ prior to my friend’s suggestion, but the idea of it intrigued me. As I considered it, I realized what an affirming and clarifying exercise it could be to write about the formation and evolution of my spirituality and my faith, my beliefs, values, perspectives, and experiences. To reflect deeply on what those things are, what they mean to me, then to weave all the threads together and see what sort of tapestry they create … are creating, and re-creating.

Further, how spiritually valuable it might prove to keep a record of my journey: each year to rewrite a statement of spirituality and faith, and see how it compares to the previous one! To see where spiritual formation and evolution has continued and to see where it has taken me.

Even if it seems there has not been much change, you might be surprised when you look deeply! There is always change … that doesn’t mean instability, it means growth, opportunity, discovery, revitalization. It may mean the journey takes an unexpected direction …

After all, I would not have expected to be where I am now, not 20 years ago, not 10, and not even 5 years ago. Perhaps it is not a spiritual journey I would have chosen then, but it is the one right for me. I am deeply grateful to be where I am now, for the expansion of my spiritual perspectives, the deepening of my mind, and the widening of my heart.

I won’t tell you how long the statement of faith is or what is in it ( 🙂 ) but I will say that perhaps some thoughts or perspectives may seem unconventional or challenging, depending on where you are in your faith journey, your spirituality. That is okay. It is okay to be challenged, to challenge yourself and your spirituality and discover more about yourself and your spirituality, by seeing other perspectives and being open to learning anything that might be of value for you from them.

Or at least being open to respecting the sacredness and the validity in spiritual perspectives, experiences, journeys that seem different from yours.

If anyone reads my statement all the way through and has any questions, please ask. I am open to questions, even and especially challenging ones!